International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA) <p>International Journal of Multidisciplinary of Higher Education (IJMURHICA), e-ISSN: <strong>2622-741X</strong> p-ISSN: <strong>2623-1468</strong>, is a journal managed by Islamic Studies and Development Center in Collaboration With Students' Research Center Universitas Negeri Padang. This journal will discusses about sort of the discipline of knowledge in the university, in theory, or practical. As a periodic scientific journal, we will release four edition in a year which are in the period of January, April, July, and October. We invite the students, academician, teachers, professional, and the community to participate to send their article’s document to this journal. For the issues and themes that will be presented in this journal is Education, Religion Studies, Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Economic Development, Tourism Development, Language and Arts, Sports and Public Health. All of these articles will be sent by the writer and will be mark by the competent experts in their own sector. Pass through the tight selection, we as the organizer have the right to decide whether your document can be approved, revised, or rejected. We need to inform the article that will be published only the good quality and give the good impact to the development of knowledge in theory or practical. We are very happy if you deigned to send the document of the article to our journal and all of the questions that you want to ask, please take a look at the division of the editor team and this journal’s website contact.</p> Islamic Studies and Development Center in Collaboration With Students' Research Center Universitas Negeri Padang en-US International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA) 2623-1468 The Use of Geomembrane Technology: A Solution to Increase Hygienic Salt Production <p>Demand for salt in Indonesia continues to increase, while local production has not kept up and therefore relies on imports. Salt production faces challenges such as weather dependency and the risk of soil mixtures that degrade product quality. This community empowerment program aims to improve the quality and quantity of hygienic salt production in business groups through the application of geomembrane technology, and increase production capacity to meet standards. The program methods include socialization, technical training on geomembrane installation, assistance in production, and evaluation. The results and impacts of the salt production process increased by 20%, salt products produced are whiter, hygienic, and meet SNI standards. In addition, the income of the business group increased by 50%. This production has successfully improved productin efficiency and the welfare of salt farmers. In the future, the group plans to expand the market, improve infrastructure, and submit products for formal certification. Geomemran technology has proven to be an effective and sustainable solution in supporting hygienic salt production.</p> Saisa Saisa Zulhaini Sartika Erdiwansyah Erdiwansyah Copyright (c) 2025 Saisa, Zulhaini Sartika, Erdiwansyah 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 8 2 173 182 10.24036/ijmurhica.v8i2.234 Mediating Effects of Innovation Capability on Market Orientation and Community Economic Enterprise Performance <p>Innovation is one of the important keys in improving the competitiveness and sustainability of community economic enterprises. This study aims to analyze the mediating effect of innovation capability on market orientation and community economic business performance. This research uses a quantitative method with a survey type. Data sources were taken using a questionnaire with a total of 52 questionnaire items. Data from the questionnaire was taken from 150 respondents from a total population of 218. All data were correlation analyzed using SEM &amp; PLS software version 3. The results showed that market orientation directly has a significant effect on innovation capability and community economic business performance. Indirectly, market orientation mediated by innovation capability has a significant influence on community economic enterprise performance. This study found that innovative capabilities and market focus have a real impact in determining the success of community economic enterprises. This finding is expected to contribute and information specifically to community economic businesses regarding the mediating role of innovation capabilities in the relationship between market orientation and community economic business performance.</p> Avianita Rachmawati Surya Surya Copyright (c) 2025 Avianita Rachmawati, Surya Surya 2025-02-06 2025-02-06 8 2 183 196 10.24036/ijmurhica.v8i2.269 The Effect of Social Media on Student Learning: Chances and Challenges <p>Social media plays an important role in student learning, offering a range of opportunities to access information in a fast and engaging way. However, uncontrolled use also presents challenges that can affect learning. This research aims to analyze the influence of social media on current students' learning styles, highlighting the opportunities that can be leveraged to support the learning process as well as the challenges that need to be overcome to minimize its negative impact. The research was conducted at Nahdlatul Ulama Sudirman Vocational High School. This research used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and document analysis, and involved students, teachers, and the principal as the main participants. The results show that social media provides significant benefits in supporting independent learning, expanding access to information, and facilitating collaboration between students. However, distraction from irrelevant content is the main obstacle that affects learning focus. The implication of this study emphasizes the importance of digital literacy, time management, and guidance from teachers to optimize the use of social media as a learning tool. This research provides insights for educators in designing learning strategies that are relevant to students' needs in the digital era.</p> Chatreys Suci Ramadani Yogi Siti Aimah Copyright (c) 2025 Chatreys Suci Ramadani Yogi, Siti Aimah 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 8 2 197 206 10.24036/ijmurhica.v8i2.298 Managerial Transformation at Sea: Strategies to Enhance Performance, Motivation and Crew Safety <p>Work safety and crew performance are very important focus areas in the high-risk maritime industry, as exemplified by shipping companies. This study aims to analyze the impact of leadership and managerial competence on crew motivation and performance, as well as their influence on work safety. This study uses quantitative methods with a causal design used to examine cause-and-effect relationships among variables, including leadership, managerial competence, work motivation, crew performance, and work safety. Data were collected through a survey using a Likert-scale questionnaire with five response levels. The respondents were crew members working for a shipping company. Additional data collection techniques included field observations and literature review to complement the theoretical insights. Data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling with SmartPLS software. The findings indicate that transformational leadership and managerial competence significantly influence work motivation and crew performance. Moreover, work motivation serves as a mediating variable, strengthening the relationships between leadership and performance, as well as managerial competence and occupational safety. This study emphasizes the crucial role of effective leadership in workplace safety within the maritime industry. Its implications suggest that companies should enhance competency-based training and leadership strategies to optimize crew performance and ensure sustainable workplace safety.</p> Azmal Aziz Rita Yuni Mulyanti Abdul Mukti Soma Copyright (c) 2025 Azmal Aziz, Rita Yuni Mulyanti, Abdul Mukti Soma 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 8 2 207 219 10.24036/ijmurhica.v8i2.326 The Use of Artificial Intelligence for Marketing Community Economic Products in West Sumatra <p>The development of digital technology has brought significant changes in various aspects of life, including marketing. Artificial Intelligence is one of the innovations that play a role in increasing marketing effectiveness, especially for small and medium enterprises. This research aims to analyze the use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing community economic products in West Sumatra, or identify the benefits and challenges faced by business actors in applying Artificial Intelligence technology to market their products. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach with interview and observation techniques. Data was collected from small and medium enterprises in West Sumatra that have used Artificial Intelligence in their marketing strategies. The results showed that the application of Artificial Intelligence in marketing community economic products in West Sumatra has a positive impact. The use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing has great potential in increasing the competitiveness of local products and expanding the market for businesses in West Sumatra. Thus, the use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing can be an innovative solution in encouraging economic growth in the region.</p> Awaluddin Awaluddin Firdaus Annas Yulifda Elin Yuspita Copyright (c) 2025 Awaluddin Awaluddin, Firdaus Annas, Yulifda Elin Yuspita 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 8 2 220 231 10.24036/ijmurhica.v8i2.303 The Influence of Student-Centered Learning Implementation on Fostering Student Independence at Wittaya Panya School Thailand <p>A child's independence can flourish and develop further when intentional efforts are made to nurture this trait. In many cases, students tend to rely heavily on their teachers for assistance during classroom activities. Efforts to cultivate character aligned with the cultural values of Thailand nation extend beyond the confines of the school setting; they permeate children's daily lives through consistent introduction and habituation practices. Character development is encouraged not only through classroom and extracurricular activities but also through intentional integration into their everyday interactions and routines. This study thus seeks to explore the impact of the Student-Centered Learning (SCL) approach on fostering student independence at Wittaya Panya School, Thailand. Utilizing a qualitative, descriptive research methodology, this study was conducted at Wittaya Panya School in Khlong Chalem, Kong Ra District, Patthalung Province, Thailand. Data sources comprised primary and secondary data, collected through observation, interviews, and literature review. Findings from this study indicate that by employing a Student-Centered Learning approach, teachers can effectively instill and strengthen the independence of students, which can be integrated into their daily learning processes.</p> Zahra Khusnul Lathifah Eka Apriani Putri Irwan Efendi Radif Khotamir Rusli Anwar M. Radiamoda Adul Meatam Copyright (c) 2025 Zahra Khusnul Lathifah, Eka Apriani Putri, Irwan Efendi, Radif Khotamir Rusli, Anwar M. Radiamoda, Adul Meatam 2025-02-16 2025-02-16 8 2 232 240 10.24036/ijmurhica.v8i2.239 Improving Children's Creativity through Activities Ecoprint Batik Based on Local Wisdom <p>Early childhood creativity is crucial to discuss because it can increase children's self-confidence and explore the various potentials that exist in children, especially during this golden age. It was found that early childhood creativity in one of the kindergarten educational institutions was still relatively lacking because the activities carried out to stimulate creativity were less varied. One way for children's creativity to increase and develop, it is necessary to have activities so that they can show their creativity. There are various activities to make children's creative power increase, one of which is with ecoprint batik activities. This study aims to analyze the effect of ecoprint batik activities on children's creativity. The method used is quantitative research with the Pre-Experimental type, and the research design uses “One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design”. The sample studied was group B as many as 10 children. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the ability of children's creativity in class B2 using ecoprint batik activities, the highest value is 31 and the lowest value is 20, with an average value of 26.1. Based on the value obtained sig (2-tailed) in the B1 class post-test t test 0.00 &lt;0.05, so it is stated to be significant (there is a difference). Thus, researchers can conclude that the hypothesis (Ha) in this study is accepted, namely that there is an effect of batik activities on children's creativity abilities by implementing experimental ecoprint batik activities based on local wisdom.</p> Elvi Helmi Saputri Asdi Wirman Indra Yeni Vivi Anggraini Copyright (c) 2025 Elvi Helmi Saputri, Asdi Wirman, Indra Yeni, Vivi Anggraini 2025-02-17 2025-02-17 8 2 241 250 10.24036/ijmurhica.v8i2.343 Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Malaria Mosquitoes: A Bibliometric Analysis for Species Identification and Automated Detection <p>This study conducted a bibliometric analysis of scientific publications related to the application of Artificial Intelligence in identifying and detecting malaria mosquitoes. Utilizing data from the Scopus database and data analysis stechniques supported by the Python programming language, this research evaluated productive journals, annual publication trends, leading authors, and dominant keywords. This study aims to evaluate publication trends, identify leading authors, and determine the dominant keywords in research on Artificial Intelligence applications for malaria mosquito identification. This research employed bibliometric analysis using data from the Scopus database and analytical techniques supported by Python. The analysis showed a significant increase in publications related to malaria and innovative technology and an increasing trend in publications over the past decade. Keyword analysis identified common research topics and provided recommendations for future research connections. This study highlights the benefits of integrating Artificial Intelligence in identifying mosquito species and automatic detection. It emphasizes the importance of bibliometric analysis in supporting decision-making within the scientific research community.</p> Alvianus Dengen Budiawan Budiawan Copyright (c) 2025 Alvianus Dengen, Budiawan Budiawan 2025-02-19 2025-02-19 8 2 251 265 10.24036/ijmurhica.v8i2.336 Project Based Learning: A Solution to Improve Students' Learning Achievement <p>Effective and quality education is essential in improving students' learning achievement. However, conventional learning methods often cannot meet the diverse learning needs of students. Therefore, innovative and effective learning methods are needed, such as project-based learning. This study aims to analyze how the effect of project-based learning model implementation on students' social arithmetic learning achievement. This research uses quantitative methods with the type of classroom action research, the data source is taken from thirty-four students at one of the junior high schools in Indonesia. In this study, the data analysis tool used was the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences to process quantitative data on students' test results. The analysis was carried out by calculating the average value, percentage of learning completeness, and paired sample t-test to see the improvement of learning outcomes between cycle I and cycle II. The results showed that the application of Project-Based Learning showed a significant increase in the students' completeness criteria, from 47.06% in the pre-cycle, increased to 67.65% in Cycle I, and reached 94.12% in Cycle II. This research is expected to help educators in choosing effective and contextual learning methods to create interesting, relevant, and meaningful learning experiences for students.</p> Tin Indria Chrustiana Dwi Rahmawati Rahmad Bustanul Anwar Irsyad Fauzi Copyright (c) 2025 Tin Indria Chrustiana, Dwi Rahmawati, Rahmad Bustanul Anwar, Irsyad Fauzi 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 8 2 266 278 10.24036/ijmurhica.v8i2.324