Journal title International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA)
Abbreviation int. j. Multidiscip. high. educ.
Frequency 4 issues per year (January, April, July and October)
DOI Prefix 10.24036 by Crossref
Print ISSN 2623-1468
Online ISSN 2622-741X
Editor in Chief Engkizar
Publisher Islamic Studies and Development Center in Collaboration With Students' Research Center Universitas Negeri Padang
Indexing Google Scholar, Moraref, Crossref, Portal Garuda, and Dimensions
Citation Analysis Google Scholar and Citedness in Scopus
Acceptance Ratio  20%

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA), e-ISSN: 2622-741X p-ISSN: 2623-1468, is a journal managed by Islamic Studies and Development Center in Collaboration With Students' Research Center Universitas Negeri Padang. This journal will discusses about sort of the discipline of knowledge in the university, in theory, or practical. As a periodic scientific journal, we will release four edition in a year which are in the period of January, April, July, and October. We invite the students, academician, teachers, professional, and the community to participate to send their article’s document to this journal. For the issues and themes that will be presented in this journal is Education, Religion Studies, Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Economic Development, Tourism Development, Language and Arts, Sports and Public Health. All of these articles will be sent by the writer and will be mark by the competent experts in their own sector. Pass through the tight selection, we as the organizer have the right to decide whether your document can be approved, revised, or rejected. We need to inform the article that will be published only the good quality and give the good impact to the development of knowledge in theory or practical. We are very happy if you deigned to send the document of the article to our journal and all of the questions that you want to ask, please take a look at the division of the editor team and this journal’s website contact.

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2025): (April) STEM, Education, Religion Studies, Social Sciences and Economic Development
					View Vol. 8 No. 2 (2025): (April)  STEM, Education, Religion Studies, Social Sciences and Economic Development

his issue has been available online since 1th April 2025 for the Issue STEM, Education, Religion Studies, Social Sciences and Economic Development. All articles in this issue (15 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 41 authors from 25 colleges and 7 countries (Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Egypt, Australia and Myanmar)

Published: 2025-04-01


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